民族之旅(中国之旅丛书):在960万平方公里的土地上,生活着包括汉族在内的56个民族,各少数民族文化作为整个中华民族文化的重要组成部分,显示出生生不息的强大生命力和互动传播的灿烂光彩。他们绚丽多彩的服饰、风味各异的饮食、独具特色的礼仪、名目繁多的年节,还在林林总总的婚娶习俗、卷帙浩繁的历史宗教典籍,代表了跨国少数民族物质文化和精神文化的精华。(Today , the 56 nationalities, including the Han nationality, live on China's 9.6 million square kms of land territory. Along with the Han people, these minorities have added to the profound Chinese civilization with their own fascinating cultures. Their beautiful costumes with unique accessories, diverse food customs, fascinating traditions, celebrations and history represent significant elements of Chinese civilization. Such diversity is the basis from which China, as a multi-national country, continues to develop. China's sustainable development and prosperity can also ascribe to this diversity.)
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