我在上海光华大学,讲过十几年的本国史。其初系讲通史。后来文学院长钱子泉先生说:讲通史易与中学以下的本国史重复,不如讲文化史。于是改讲文化史。民国二十七年,教育部颁行大学课程;其初以中国文化史为各院系一年级必修科,后改为通史,而注明须注重于文化。大约因政治方面,亦不可缺,怕定名为文化史,则此方面太被忽略之故,用意诚甚周详。然通史讲授,共止120小时,若编制仍与中学以下之书相同,恐终不免于犯复。所以我现在讲授,把他分为两部分:上册以文化现象为题目,下册乃依时代加以联结,以便两面兼顾。此意在本书绪论中,业经述及了。此册系居孤岛上所编,参考书籍,十不备一;而时间甚为匆促。其不能完善,自无待言。但就文化的各方面加以探讨,以说明其变迁之故,而推求现状之所由来;此等书籍,现在似尚不多,或亦足供参考。故上册写成,即付排印,以代钞写。不完不备之处,当于将来大加订补。此书之意,欲求中国人于现状之所由来,多所了解。故叙述力求扼要,行文亦力求浅显。又多引各种社会科学成说,以资说明,亦颇可作一般读物;单取上册,又可供文化史教科或参考之用。其浅陋误缪之处,务望当代通人,加以教正。(I have taught national history for a dozen years at Shanghai Guanghua University, and originally give lessons on general history. And then, President of Literature Qian Ziquan said: teaching general history may repeat the national history taught during less than secondary education, instead, teaching cultural history. In the twenty-seventh year of the republic of China, the Ministry of Education issued university courses; at first, cultural history of China was a compulsory course for students as freshmen of all departments, and then was changed to general history with a note that culture must be valued. Maybe it is an indispensable for politics, and it is afraid that if it is called as cultural history, its effects on politics may be ignored, and this purpose is very complete and detailed. However, time for teaching general history is totally 120 hours. If the compilation is the same as the books for less than secondary education, there may be a repetition. So, now I teach it with two parts: the first part takes cultural phenomena as the title, and the second part still makes connections based on time, so that two aspects can be involved. This intention has been included in Introduction. This volume was written when living on an isolated island. And for the references, ten are not better than one; and time is quite limited. So, non perfection of the book goes without saying. But, every aspect of culture is discussed to indicate the reason for change and speculate the reason for current situation; such books are rare at present, but are enough for reference. Therefore, since the first part was completed, it was arranged for typography instead of copy. For non perfection of the book, revise and supplement shall be conducted in the future. This book aims at finding the reason why Chinese people are in current situation, and knowing more about this. So, the description is simple and brief, and words are also easy to read and understand. In addition, it references theories on society and science to make explanation, and so it can be read as a common reading material; only the first part can be used for teach of cultural history or for reference. For shallow views and faults of this book, I hope someone who has knowledge about them can make a correction.)
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